

Okay – not sure if this qualifies. I mean after all, there is some light but you have to admit, it’s a pretty dark picture.

Crazy story here too. While we were in London in 2006, we took a tour out to Avenbury and Stonehenge (one of those private access to Stonehenge things). If I ever get around to writing my trip report, you can read all about it. Anyway, while we were in Avenbury, we saw these three women, dressed in colorful clothes (tops and scarves really with black pants), hugging the rocks. I kid you not.

Later that day, we went to one of the burial mounds in the area and ran into them again. Only this time they were inside the cavern, chanting, with candles lit, very strange, in an unfamiliar way. Anyway, I took a picture of one of the candles just to see if it would come out, and that’s what I got.