The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet’s Nest is our next book club selection and after not finishing the second book, The Girl Who Played With Fire in time for our last meeting, I cranked on this one (and finishing the second) in order to be up to date. For those of you who have lived under a rock for the last couple of years, this is the third book in the Millennium trilogy by Stieg Larson. All are set in Sweden and revolve around the lives of Lisbeth Salander (aka “the girl”) and reporter Mikael Blomkvist. The first book, The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo
, can really be a stand alone (and by the way takes about 50 – 70 pages or 10 – 15% of the book to hook you). Once you read the second though, you really need to read the third.
Some people warned me that they found this book to be slower going than the second and it took them longer to get through it but I found the opposite. I was 50% of the way through the second book before I got hooked and here I was hooked from the beginning because of the cliff-hanger ending of the second. Actually, these two books felt more like one long book to me than two. Where I found it dragging was somewhere in the middle, and honestly thought the entire side story dealing with Erica Berger’s character to be totally unimportant, really adding nothing to or supporting the main plot line in any way (****** SPOILER ALERT ***** well, accept to give Mikael the opportunity to “stray”). Plus, the minute details that bothered me so much in the second book didn’t seem to bother me here (not sure if it’s because I was used to them, or because there weren’t as many). Oh, and I found the ending totally satisfying (plenty of closure for my friend Steph), with only a few minor details hanging…
So yep, I’d say, this book, well the whole trilogy, are definitely worth a read.