Unfortunately, Chris forgot the cord to connect his camera to the laptop so we can’t get the images from today’s snorkeling adventure off his camera until we get home (he has an underwater camera). Needless to say, it was a lot of fun (though I did battle a bit of nausea), and we got to see a sea turtle and dolphins!
The Gang at Kimo’s for Sunset, well missing the boys.

Jake and “Don” Chris
Funny story there, we’re Jake’s godparents and years ago, on our first joint vacation to Disney World (Jake was 5, I think), Chris told Jake to call him “Don” Chris because Chris is Jake’s godfather. And the name has stuck.

Sunset from Kimo’s
You look like you’re all having so much fun — fabulous!
Haha, Don Chris! That is awesome!
Ah, lovely Kimo’s views and sunsets.
Still unseasonable on the East Coast, so please bring some of that warmth and sunshine home with you. Have fun!
Hmmmmm, is that a mai tai in front of you, Miss Kim???
If so, good on ya! Have a few more, aaaaand then a couple for me.