Napolean’s Tomb
… that all we’re doing is eating and drinking, in addition to climbing the 300+ steps to the top of the Arch de Triomphe (we didn’t go to the top of the Grande Arch because they wanted 8€ for the privaledge and wouldn’t even credit it to our drink order – there’s a bar at the top), yesterday morning we visited Invalides.

Some Headless Statue
We didn’t pop into Napolean’s Tomb because again, a charge of 9€ (I think) was required and who wants to pay that to see a possibilly empty tomb. But we did visit the Museum of Liberation, a small (like three long rooms with a couple of smaller rooms off the side), and relatively empty (if there ware a dozen other people in the museum while we were there) that was actually pretty interesting if you’re a WWII buff (like Shannon and I). And it’s free!
But if the museum doesn’t float your boat, the gardens were also pretty nifty – especially this time of year with everything in bloom. I bet Colleen took some good pictures of those gardens.
After the Invalides, we headed over to the Princess Diana memorial. Yesterday was the 10th anniversary of her death.

Colleen and Shannon among the crowds at the Memorial
We did her first podcast from there and now I’m trying to figure out how to transfer the files – basically we’re going to see if I can use my camera cord; Colleen left the video recorder cord at home. Wish us luck!
Bummer Amy! Would have loved to talk to you. I finally got the phone charged today (could never find an open Tabac). Your instructions (or Larry’s?) were dead on – thanks!
BTW we were in Maille when you called.
Darlings–That was me trying to call today (Saturday, around 7 pm your time). I heard you loud and clear, but you couldn’t hear me. Ah well. Carry on, and have fun!