9th Bike Ride for Amy
Once again I'm helping to organize and support the Bike Ride for Amy. This bike ride raises money for The [...]
Once again I'm helping to organize and support the Bike Ride for Amy. This bike ride raises money for The [...]
I can't believe it's been almost three weeks since we did this bike ride. First, of course, I want to [...]
As you're reading this (if it's still Saturday Sept 11, 2010), Chris, Marty and I are in the midst of [...]
I’ve alluded to this for a while, but I haven’t written anything about it yet. It’s hard to write about [...]
I know, I know, I hit you all up for donations last year when I did the Avon Walk for [...]
Yes, I better be saying that today because it's pretty much all I can eat (that and ice pops and [...]
For those of you who missed the latest and greatest, I tested positive for the BRCA-1 gene mutation, which means [...]
I'm sitting on my couch fuming. Yes, the couch in which I sank when I found the lump in my [...]
We've been talking stats a lot (yes, there's also a compulsive gambler gene in the family). Anyway, I thought I'd [...]
I know I promised an entry about some of what I call the "side effects" of my cancer but that's [...]