Becky went to the mall yesterday shopping with Al. Al needed a dress for a sweet sixteen they’re going to on Saturday night. But I got a present too. Becky found this book in Bath and Body Works, Cancer Vixen: A True Story
– it’s the story of what happens when a “shoe-crazy, lipstick-obsessed, wine-swilling, pasta-slurping, fashion-fanatic, single-forever, about-to-get-married big-city girl cartoonist with a fabulous life finds … a lump in her breast?” She figured at least I hit on the wine-swilling, pasta-slurping description and both the author and I are 43 when it happens, so she hoped I could relate. It’s done as a comic book (easy to understand) and so far our stories are parallel. I’m enjoying it – it makes me laugh (we’re trying to laugh as much as possible now).
The other thing she picked up for me was a nice notebook from Barnes and Noble. I wanted something I can write random thoughts, questions and “to-dos” in, something I could take to the doctors with me in which to write notes (my memory sucks but if I write things down, I usually remember them). We’re keeping it on the counter in the kitchen too though, and the girls can write whatever questions they have, that I can’t answer in it, and I told them I’ll ask the doctors for them.
She had six she wanted to choose from but she chose the one she bought because it has this saying in the front cover:
Enjoy the the little things in life for one day you will look back and realize they were the big things
So far this morning this is what I have:
- TD: change light bulb in entry hall
- TD: pay Capitol one bill
- TD: Cancel extra reservation at Cesari (story here)
- TD: Cancel Auto Europe reservation (story here)
- Q: Do I need a breast MRI? Full body MRI? If so, who gives me the scrip?
I figure between this blog and that notebook, this entire process will be documented to the nth degree. That gives me a feeling of control, even if it’s false, I still like it.
Oh, one more thing, there’s a cancer walk in our town this morning. I was going to do it with Lisa but it’s just too raw for me. But Steph, Al and Becky are going over to do it and that makes me want to cry … in a good way.