These are my random thinks that don’t really fit the other categories.
Happy Birthday Fala!
She's 4 today!
These are my random thinks that don’t really fit the other categories.
She's 4 today!
It's been a while since we've had a snow day (I don't think we had any last year, well, maybe [...]
The other day Girasoli posted 100 Things About Her, on her blog, Shave Ice and Gelato. I thought that was [...]
Yes, that's what my eldest just said to my youngest. Guess I didn't pay enough attention to the card that [...]
Chris has been away for a while. He's installing a system for a client, and they went "live" on Monday. [...]
Around the middle of December at Weight Watchers, they hand out the new materials for the coming calendar year to [...]
I love the themes. Often they can be interpreted so many ways. Today's theme can be in reference to food [...]
I feel like Shannon! Well, not really. You see, Shannon goes to see the hippest, coolest bands out there. Where [...]
If you can't tell, they're fuzzy NY Jets slippers. Becky got them for me for Chanukah tonight. Chris got me [...]