These are my random thinks that don’t really fit the other categories.
Omnivore’s Hundred
Stolen from Krista who got it from Last Night's Dinner. Directions: 1) Copy this list into your blog or journal, [...]
These are my random thinks that don’t really fit the other categories.
Stolen from Krista who got it from Last Night's Dinner. Directions: 1) Copy this list into your blog or journal, [...]
Last September, I visited Paris with two friends. One morning we went for a stroll through the Luxembourg gardens where [...]
Sunday, we had some of the most incredible storms I've seen in a while sweep across the island. They started [...]
Okay - not sure if this qualifies. I mean after all, there is some light but you have to admit, [...]
Some of you may well remember my car saga of two summers ago, Chrysler Sebring and Why Chrysler Sucks (btw [...]
Yes, I know, late again. I guess that's me - I just don't seem to get on-line as much over [...]
One of the things the chaperons on Becky's trip do is initiate a phone chain whenever they fly and touchdown [...]
Waiting to Board the Bus One More So You Can See the Luggage
So this week's was easy (of course I say that after I accidentally posted the wrong theme - Jan 5 [...]
Is it just me, or does everyone hit a sort of skid anytime life circumstances change even slightly? We raced [...]