cardinalAnnieNC did an entry on a new bird she spotted on her window and listed all the ones she’s seen. I don’t keep a “list” per se, but se do keep a copy of Stokes Field Guide to Birds in our kitchen (with all the cookbooks), and everytime we see a new one, we date it’s entry in the book. So I’m going to go through now and list all the ones we’ve seen.

1.Great Blue Heron – okay – slight cheat here, he never showed up in our yard, but I did see him at the lake a block away
2.Turkey Vulture
turkey3. Wild Turkey
4. Canada Goose (how could you not?)
5. Red-tailed Hawk
6. Rock Dove (pigeon)
7. Mourning Dove
8. Eastern Screech Owl (okay never saw but man something is screeching in the woods)
9. Red-bellied Woodpecker
10. Downy Woodpecker
11. Northern Flicker
12. Blue Jay
13. Black-capped Chickadee
14. Tufted Titmouse (one of my favorites)
15. Red-breasted Nuthatch
16. White-breasted Nuthatch
17. Eastern Bluebird
18. Gray Catbird
19. American Robin
20. Northern Mockingbird
21. Yellow-rumped Warbler (Chris still does’t believe me on this one)
22. Northern Cardinal
23. Dark-eyed Junco
24. House sparrow
25. Red-winged Blackbird
26. Common Grackle (had one trapped in the wall of the house once; Chris rescued it)
27. Baltimore Oriole
28. House Finch
29. American Goldfinch (tons now that we put out a thistle feeder but they’re gray now).

I’m going to have to try to get some better pictures.