My Weight Watcher leader sometimes hands out these calendars each month with a little saying for every day, or a little suggestion for something to try while you’re on program. Some people tape these to their mirrors and actually execute (or try) each of these suggestions through the course of the month. I’ve never done this though because it always seems as if I get my calendar after the month has already started and I’m a big why bother kind of gal.

Well, this month, my leader handed out the calendar on February 28th, so I had no excuses (except that it got buried under Becky’s Australia stuff on the steps, so as it is I missed the first three days). But what the heck, why not give it a try?

Saturday’s was “A goal without a plan is merely a dream. Write a Winning Outcome for the month and plan to reach it.” Well we did this in our meeting – I don’t normally set weight loss goals (I prefer other goals that should result in weight loss) but I need a kick in the pants so I set a goal of 5 pounds by March 31.

Sunday’s “Focus this week on getting the Good Health Guidelines in each and every day. Success begins a the grocery store.” Well, for me success often begins by not setting foot in the grocery store but that’s another story. The Good Health Guidelines mean you should get your five fruit or veggies in, your two or three milks, and your two healthy oils every day. Often members trip up because they use their points on other things, and don’t meet these requirements. I’ve set a bit of a rule for me, “no fun foods until the health guidelines are met.” Which means, no popcorn, 100 cal packs, ice cream, whatever if I don’t have my fruit and milk eaten (or at least budgeted for).
Yesterday’s was “enjoy a piece of fruit with your breakfast today.” Well I blew this. But I’d probably blow it most days. Now that I’m trying to stick with a two point breakfast on weekdays – it’s rare that I’ll have a piece of fruit with it.

And today’s, “Create a soothing milk drink with warmed milk, sweetener and vanilla, almond or hazelnut extract.” Yeah, I intended to do that, but Sammi missed the bus, and I had to go pick her up, and on the way home we drive by the new Starbucks, and well you get the picture – one Grande Skinny Mocha latte later – I feel I’ve accomplished this task.

So that’s it so far, almost four for four – not bad. In addition to my normal daily March postings, I’m going to try to do these too but at least I have material to post each day with my March Bloggers. 🙂