Chris has been away for a while. He’s installing a system for a client, and they went “live” on Monday. So we haven’t seen him for about 11 days. Luckily he’s coming home tonight, leaving Monday, but then won’t be back again until next Saturday or Sunday (normally he’s only gone three or four nights at a stretch). These periods grate on me though, because not only does it mean I must pick up the slack at home, but also because I feel bad asking him to help out (nor do I think he wants to) on the few hours over the weekend that he is home. So while he’s working overtime, so am I but no one ever considers SAHMs as working overtime.
Anyway, I guess he heard the growing stress in my voice this week. So these arrived this morning.
Not only that, but after he remembered how I was feeling, he reminded his team members and told them all to send their signifcant others something. He also feels bad that many of them have to work tomorrow (and if it weren’t for us, he’d probably stay too), so he told the team that’s working tomorrow to take their SOs out for a nice dinner (specifically stating, not Outback, somewhere nice).
I can respect a manager like that. He’s the first one in and often the last one to leave. Last night, after he put in a full day, he returned to the office at 11:30pm to bring the second shift some food. I don’t always appreciate the sacrafice of time it forces us to make because he supports his team, but I appreciate the fact that he appreciates our sacrafice, and he appreciates his team.
Thanks for posting this nice story about Chris! I liked that he recognized that his wife needed a little TLC from afar (I’m not *even* going to mention Sammi’s comment! LOL), but then he carried it over to his team, too. He IS a good guy!