One of the two big things I obsess over (home or away) when I’m driving to a new place is directions and parking.
So yesterday, I started to check out Michelin to see how their directions work and compare them to my touring club map. I’m being dense because I don’t understand them – sometimes they just say 5 Kilometers without a road number or anything. Later, when I’m home, or maybe over the weekend, I’ll post an example over at Slowtalk and see if someone there can explain it to me.
I’m starting to think about things for us to do while we’re there. I really want to visit Arrezzo on Sunday to see the Monthly market (but again, I obsess about parking). I’m also thinking one day we can head to Perugia for the Fair of the Dead. I know Chris wants to visit some wineries (much to the chagrin of Sammi). I want to set up tours for him at DEI (if possible) since he loves their Nobile, and maybe Avignonesi – although if it’s a choice between visiting some places or wineries, I’ll choose the former and we’ll split up for the day.
One day I’d like to visit Montalcino and Sant’Antimo though I’ve been – last time we arrived during Siesta and I’d like to do a bit more shopping this time.
Chris also wants to return to Siena and for lunch at Monterrigioni to that place we dined in on our first trip. And lastly, if it’s time, there’s helping Rebecca and Marc pick olives – they promised us some free oil if we can last an entire morning or afternoon and we’re ready for the challenge. So, already the week has filled up – and I forgot our one day excursion into Florence so A can see the David. It’s her only request and I want to honor it. Besides, any excuse to return to Gianni e Figlio.
On another note, I’ve started practicing my Italian again. I’m redoing the first series of Pimsluer tapes (I can invite an Italian man to my place for a drink with ease 😉 ) as well as boning up on my vocabulary. If I can start the second series, before our trip, I’ll be in good shape. Today I’m going to concentrate on my numbers again – see if I can remember how to count to 100.
Guess that’s it for now.